Hmm, do you know that almost every regular blog reader converts into a blogger? Yes, if you are a regular blog reader I am sure you have already started blogging or at least planning to start blogging. Isn’t it? if you just search a bit on the internet you will find lots of e-books, online courses that guarantee you to make you “X” figure blogger “Y” figure blogger, etc. and they promise you will get success very quick even some guarantee overnight! But is it really possible to make a blog successful overnight? Actually making a blog successful is really possible but not quite easy as you are used to being heard from blogging gurus. Don’t take me negatively. My intention isn’t to the discourse you to come in blogging. Actually, I will be very happy if you come to the blogging world. But I am just making sure that you know how this could be really yes really.
Blogging isn’t hard and isn’t easy too:
You may wonder what I am talking about like mad that blogging isn’t hard and isn’t east too. But believe me, its true blogging isn’t hard if you can do it in a certain way and isn’t easy if you mislead the way of blogging. If blogging could easy, most of the bloggers out there might succeed. But I am sorry to inform you that most of the bloggers out there come to fail.
A blog grows over time:
This is one of the most real facts of blogging that you should know that it’s not only hard but also impossible to get success overnight. Most of the successful bloggers out there are blogging for a long time. And they didn’t get success overnight too. They worked hard for a long time to make there blog popular and successful. So you should understand you have to spend a lot of time to make your blog popular. It doesn’t matter how good a blogger you are. So you should wait and work really hard even though you can’t see any result. Mind it may take 1-2 years or even more make your blog successful.
Blogging isn’t only writing content:
Many of you may think that blogging is just writing quality content. You just need to write quality content and people will come naturally to read your blog. If you are thinking like that you are nothing but a fool. Blogging is the combination of some part and writing content is one small part of it nothing else.
People don’t care about your blog:
There are millions of content are being created daily and people don’t have so much time to read all of those. So they don’t care about your blog and don’t care how good your content was. So they don’t have any time to search your blog to read. But without reading your blog is nothing. So you have to care for your reader even though they don’t care about you. You need to go to people if they don’t come to your blog. You need to make them know about your blog and make them remember you. So you need to be social. You need to join different social media and promote your blog.