Is your website stalling? Are you thinking you should be experiencing more growth by now but can’t seem to find any luck? Maybe it’s time to consider the advantages of social media. Social media is one of the hottest trends in SEO today, and not just because it’s generally popular, but also because it’s working wonders in terms of SEO traffic, high rankings and quality link building. Some companies are discovering that creating a Facebook or Twitter page is actually more SEO effective than creating merely a website.
Of course, not everyone knows how to integrate SEO into their existing campaign or ever their existing website. It’s not simply a matter of creating a link back to your social networking page—although many WordPress themes now automatically include social networking connection via small icons.
The point of it is that you want to share content and you want other people to share content as well. So you must focus on creating a very friendly navigational menu, one that makes it easy to share, and actually motivates users to interact with your brand on social media pages.
Social Media Feeds—Let Them See Live Updates!
Two plugins of interest are a Facebook “Like Box” and Twitter feed. There are several versions of these plugins available, but what they basically do is post your live Facebook and Twitter feeds inside your columns. What is the advantage here? It encourages interaction, based on your most recent postings; however, it also makes it easier for fans to follow you or Like you with just the click of a button. Contrary to popular belief, not all social networking fans will like your page—even if you ask them to. They want ultra-simplicity, and sometimes a feed plugin is what you really need to boost social network traffic.
One-Click Sharing—Make It Easy!
Another great plugin is that of “one-click sharing”, and there is also a wide variety of these applications. What this feature does is allow is for a user to share a story or blog with just one click. A user will click the icon and then choose from several social media options, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Lockerz, Grab, Delicious, Digg, Google Bookmarks, MySpace, StumbleUpon, Reddit and more. Not only does it send you to the page, but it also a user into his/her account and auto-types default text for sharing. All a user has to do is type a sentence explaining why it’s worth sharing. This will drive total shares as you can start boosting readership through social networking directly from the website.
Instant Likes—Benefit from Gossip
Another plugin worth noting is that of Instant Likes or Tweets, which lets users publicize your blog or post on an individual page. They can also share the post, though “liking” is more likely. Why would a person bother to like something and why is this beneficial to you? Facebook Timeline actually started a feature where it highlights stories that you read and “liked” recently, for the benefit (or general nosiness) of others. That’s great publicity for your blog, as all someone has to do now is just “like” (or tweet) what they read and others will learn of it. Some plugins also have the ability to keep track of all the times someone has retweeted or liked your page.
In short, it’s time to embrace social networking as a workable solution. You can boost your traffic, lure advertisers and sell more products by investing just a few minutes of time in installing these new plugins for WordPress blogs. Why not start searching for free plugins today?