One of the hardest parts of blogging is coming up with fresh, new blog content ideas. When you first started your blog, you probably had more than 100 ideas for articles already lined up. But as time goes by, you find the task to be more and more difficult. After some time, you could find yourself struggling to remain relevant to your readers without rehashing the same post over and over again.
As substantially more individuals begin their blogs on the internet every day, online niches are quickly becoming more and more crowded. You can literally find the same type of posts on hundreds of different blogs. I went from having over 50 unique blogs on my feed reader in the last couple of years to just 15, simply because I was tired of seeing the same blog content come up all the time.
The following tips will help you come up with dozens of blog content ideas that will help you stay popular with your readers and even increase new visitor traffic.
Yahoo Answers
People go on the Internet either to be entertained, read something new, or find something out. A very popular place people like to ask questions is Yahoo Answers. There you can search for keywords in your niche and see what related questions people are already asking about.
If you run a blog about computers you can easily find the types of questions people have concerning building a computer, removing viruses and using the latest software.
If you write about cooking then you can find out what types of recipes people ask most about, what foods interest them above others and popular health-related questions concerning dietary contents.
With some research, you could find plenty of blog post ideas by addressing these questions in your topics.
Personal Stories
Some of the most popular posts on blogs are ones that not only share fresh, informative content but also involve sharing a personal story or experience of some kind. Personal stories show that you’re honest and help your readers connect to your content and encourage them to leave comments. Best of all, it’s a fantastic way to come up with fresh, unique content ideas for your blog.
Google Keyword Research Tool
This invaluable tool isn’t just great for finding out relevant SEO keywords; it’s also perfect for coming up with blog post content ideas as well.
Let’s say you run a blog about food and want to know what topics you can write about. Typing food into the tool will give you, among others, the popular term “raw food diet”. Now you’re aware people are looking for information on a diet consisting only of uncooked foods. If you feel confident enough to write on the topic, then create a blog post concerning this term.
Just enter keywords related to your niche and see what people are searching for. If there’s a whole bunch of global searches surrounding this term, it’s safe to assume that your readers would be interested in it as well.
StumbleUpon allows users to “stumble upon” and rate websites, videos, and photos that are personalized to their niche interests. Popular web pages and content voted by users are organized on StumbleUpon’s buzz pages. These sections show the most popular content that StumbleUpon users voted on and loved.
If you can capture the attention of a person continuously clicking through web pages on a discover search engine, then you can certainly occupy the attention of your readers. Not only can you find blog content ideas in any niche, but you can also see exactly how many visits each page received on buzz, so you’ll have lots of ways to analyze which ideas you could incorporate into your own blog.
I wouldn’t suggest that you copy any of these ideas or content topics directly, but use them as inspiration to come up with your own titles and subjects that people would love to read about.