In the Pay Per Click advertising campaigns, there are many interrelated factors that influence the achievement of good or bad results. How to improve your online advertising campaigns depend heavily on advertising goals you’ve marked. We propose different ways to optimize your SEM campaign positioning, choose what you focus on will depend on your marketing objectives. In this guest post, we have talked about how you should write ads for your campaigns, we have highlighted the importance of properly choosing the destination URL to which you link your ads, we suggest that you review the performance of your campaigns as the days and hours of publishing and talk about two tools “AdWords Opportunities” tab and “Conversion Optimizer”, very recommended by Google, however, should be used only in certain cases.
Compose different ads to see which one works best
- Let the different ads compete with each other, after several weeks you’ll know which text is more widely accepted and more profitable;
Removes ads that are not attractive and receive few clicks; - Included the specials or features of your product or service in the text ad, that will differentiate you from the competition;
- Add interactive phrases indicating customers to do once they click on the ad and come to your website;
- Includes high-performance keywords in the headline and text ad will appear in bold when users search with those specific terms and your ad stand out among others.
Optimize your destination URL
- Choose the ideal landing page for each ad in your campaign;
- The Website Optimizer allows AdWords to test different landing pages and sees what works best;
- The destination URL provides the necessary information without overwhelming the user with a clear “Call To Action” to always know what to do;
- Choose the days and times more profitable to post your ads;
- Observe the performance of your ads at different times of the day and as the days of the week will allow you to pick the best time of publication;
- Post greater advertising budget for the hours and days that are most profitable.
Try the Conversion Optimizer
- If the main goal of your advertising campaigns is to get conversions, you can try this tool Google AdWords;
- Before using this tool you will have to enable conversion tracking and have at least 15 conversions in the last 30 days. Conversion Optimizer requires a history of conversion data to make predictions and adjust bids automatically, much longer the track record of conversions and longer you work running the best campaign tool;
- You can not use the Conversion Optimizer if you use the advanced ad scheduling with different offers according to time slots;
Well to evaluate the results obtained using conversion optimizer, you must know the number of daily conversions and what the CPA (cost per action or cost per conversion) means before and after use; - Monitors the overall performance of the campaign with a conversion optimizer. Though your fixed up real CPA end up paying may be higher if the conversion rate is lower than expected and this could affect the overall performance of the campaign.
Check out the opportunities tab
- In the opportunities tab of your AdWords account proposals, find keywords for your ads and indicative budgets for you to get more clicks on your campaigns;
- Review each proposal before accepting it. Keywords that the program suggests you can not adjust to the products or services you offer in your ads and even match negative keywords of your campaign.
Keep track of the changes and improvements you’ve made
- Continuous monitoring enables you to optimize the performance of your campaigns;
- The reports help you to identify important trends over weeks, months or years and give you new ideas to more efficiently distribute your current budget, the advertising investment to expand or launch new campaigns;
- AdWords provides a number of statistics that can be overwhelming, focus on the data that interest you and filter by date or performance criteria;
- Expect to have data collected enough before making decisions, 2 to 4 weeks or a sufficiently high number of visitors and conversions is advisable;
- Do not try to do everything yourself;
- Optimizing an online advertising campaign properly requires time, effort and expertise;
- Online advertising is dynamic, which is why you should monitor your advertising campaigns continuously in time and regularly make small improvements and adjustments;
- If you already have some experience and decide to try on your own before you launch your campaign, definitely hire a consulting service;
- If you still do not get your AdWords campaigns profitable, contract the services of any of the professionals dedicated to this, you will have more time to dedicate yourself to your business and ultimately save money.