Do you want your reader to land your blog, just scan for a few seconds and go away? You may want but I don’t. I always want to get my reader involved in my blog more and more and want to make sure they will stay on my blog as long as possible. So to do so we need to reduce the bounce rate.
Bounce rate! What’s the hell is it?
If you use google analytics to track your visitors, you are already known with the term bounce rate. And if you still not using google analysis then I recommend you to use Google analytics to your site.
The bounce rate tells you what percentage of your visitors are going away from your site without visiting any other page. Google use this formula to find out the bounce rate
Bounce rate = Visits that left after one page / Total number of visits
Suppose in the month of January you got 15000 visitors and 6000 visitors went away just after landing home page so your bounce rate will be 6000/15000= 0.4 means 40%.
So you can see the lower the bounce rate, the better. So I am going to tell you some techniques to reduce your bounce rate.
Show excerpt from your post: I show there are lots of blogs out there show a total post on their home page. So the reader doesn’t need to click on the post title to go post page to read a blog post. So if you show your full post on the home page, your reader may leave your blog just after reading a few articles from home. They won’t enter on the post page unless they want to leave a comment. So you may show some part of your post and keep at least 6 posts on your home page. So if anyone likes your post, he has to click on your post. And that will reduce your bounce rate.
Make killer title: Every people read the title first and if they find the title interesting only then they go to read that post. You every time you will write and post make your title more and more attractive so that the reader can’t ignore your post. This will surely help you to reduce your bounce rate.
Improve sits load time: From my experience, I can say that people don’t like to visit wait for too much to load any site. So the faster the site, the better. So you should make your site faster to make sure that people won’t be bore. You may like ProBlogger’s post on improving sites load time
Internal link: Internal link helps a lot to keep your reader busy with your blog. Always internet link your post to post according to its relevancy. Suppose you are writing a post on SEO. Then make sure you will interlink another post on SEO you wrote. These will make your reader check out more.
Use recent posts, related posts, and popular post widget: Those are probably the best ways to reduce your bounce rate. If you use a recent post, popular post, and related post widget,