Not sure if you want to start a blog? Here are some reasons why others blog. Yes, you can earn money blogging, but people who’re not interested in earning money online have developed some fabulous and popular blogs. This is what they get out of it.
# Blogging is an excellent learning tool
It offers many people who have a passion for writing to hone their communication skills. Gone are the days when you needed a college class in web design to blog. It gets simpler every day; so simple that many children blog. Blogging is being added to the curriculum in schools and offers an invaluable learning tool.
# Blogging is like journaling – only better
We have heard many times that keeping a journal or a diary is therapeutic; in fact, journaling is being used by some social workers to help patients identify and address issues they are dealing with (or not dealing with – but need to). The written word is an excellent way to bring issues to light and much less threatening than face to face. This is because the writer can examine their thoughts before allowing anyone else to see them. A blogger can do the same. They can express themselves anonymously and never identify the person/s they have or had an issue with.
# Blogging gets the word out
Have you got a wonderful idea, recipe, craft, photo collection, talent? Post it on your blog. Don’t forget to visit a few other blogs, follow them too. Partake in their memes, (colloquial for events sponsored by other bloggers), bookmark your posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Be faithful to those you follow; visit and comment, and soon you could have a loyal following.
# Blogs store family treasures
Families can be spread out over the country or even the world, but a blog can give them a place to touch base without ever having to leave home. The babies’ first steps, Aunt Jenny’s promotion, Mom’s much-loved casserole recipe, cousin Ted’s wedding or Barb’s college graduation. All of these things and more can be shared. All a sudden the distance melts and the loneliness eases. Did you know that you can turn your blog into a book? What family member would not love to have a hard copy of their family’s big events?
# Blogs improve family finances
Above we mentioned “getting the word out”, so blogging allows us that opportunity to showcase our talent and sell our product, but it also allows us the space to sponsor ads. There are many advertisers who will pay for space on your blog; Google Adsense, Chikita and Adbrite; are only a few of the many you can set up an account with. Register your blog, fill out your criteria, and begin to earn. You can also write content for sponsors and earn revenue for your posts or reviews. They may ask you to place their links within your post so that your readers can visit their website and become a customer, but you will be paid for this.
# You can blog for nothing so try it for free!
Google, Weebly, and WordPress are only three of the sites which allow you to blog for free. Google will allow you to purchase your blog for $10.00 a month. Note: If you decide to write ads for revenue, some of the advertisers require that you own your blog so consider the $10.00 annual fee as a small business investment.
Whatever your reason for blogging, this growing pass time has become an easy way to express yourself and share your ideas. If you are not already blogging, give it a try. It has a lot to offer.