I love WordPress. It’s a really amazing platform for blogger. It’s so easy and flexible to use. If you would like to do something on your WordPress blog, the plugin can easily do it. The plugin can save you time and makes your blog wonderful. Today I’m going to talk about free WordPress plugin. I use many free plugins on my blog sites. But today I’m going to ask you about your favourite free WordPress plugins. I want to share my top five favourite free WordPress plugins. If you want to share your favourite free WordPress plugins with us, please write down in the comment section.
My top five favourite free WordPress plugins:
I think most of the bloggers are using this plugin. This is a very popular plugin. Akismet has protected my site from 261 spam comments already.
Update: Akismet has protected my site from 456 spam comments already.
Google XML Sitemaps
This plugin will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo to better index your blog. It notifies all major search engines every time you create a post about the new content.
All in One SEO Pack
This is one of the most important plugins for WordPress bloggers. I think every blogger should use this plugin and I use this plugin. This plugin automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines.
This plugin allows you easily to back up your blog’s databases. You can also set a process to be automated delivery to your email or web host.
This is another good plugin. It provides an easy way to add social bookmarks to the content of your post or below the post in a ‘Call To Action’ box.
So, What are your favourite free WordPress plugins? Share with us.