Let’s face it, marketing dollars are harder to come by and are expected to go farther than ever before. The discerning entrepreneur must decide where and how to spend their precious resources. Potential customers are extremely cautious in a difficult economy. Getting your message in front of them on a regular basis without breaking your budget can mean the difference between a profitable business and no business at all.
If you have looked into the cost of advertising lately, you may still be suffering sticker shock. For small and medium businesses alike, there is an affordable advertising alternative that has been around for years and has been proven successful year after year. I am referring to the economical yet extremely effective, business card.
Big Return on a Little Investment
The average business card is 2×3.5 inches. That is an extremely small piece of advertising. However, there are very few methods that offer as high a return on your investment as this simple, straightforward little card.
People with a service to offer have been using business cards for decades: centuries actually. Most experts agree that the invention of the business card dates back to China in the 15th Century, where they were used primarily as calling cards, to announce oneself at a business or residence.
Whether or not that is true I will leave for you to judge. What is not up for debate is whether or not those little cards have had a major impact on business and advertising that would be hard to surpass.
A quick search of the internet provided me that http://www.t-rexcards.com business card manufacturers offering 500 business cards for $9.95.That works out to an average of .0199 cents per card. Considering the income potential of a single client I think you can see that the benefit far outweighs the cost.
The Necessity of Networking
Networking has always been a necessary part of any successful business. Making personal connections and leaving a lasting impression are extremely important when attending conventions, luncheons, and meet-and-greets. Business cards offer a way to leave an impression of your business with potential partners and clients. Many business deals are made after the initial introduction. Making sure that you are remembered in the weeks following a meeting can make all the difference in the world.
A business card can contain all the necessary information that you want the other party to retain.
- Your name and the name of your business
- Contact information
- A brief overview of the services offered
This information is enough to help put you at the top of the list when a potential customer is looking for someone to hire. Considering how easy it is to purchase and carry these items with you, can you really afford not to do so?
When you carry a stack of business cards in your pocket or purse, you are ready at any moment to deliver an advertisement of yourself and your business to anyone you might happen to run into. Consider how many times these chance encounters happen in a week.
- At the local coffee shop
- Riding the subway
- Waiting for a flight or while sitting next to someone in business class.
- At the local restaurant
- At a PTA meeting
- The list is endless
Have you ever been asked for a business card and did not have one? What a wasted opportunity! There is no better money spent than when you can put the advertisement directly into the hand of the consumer. This is what a business card can do for you. So whether it is at a convention or a coffee shop, networking through this method will prove invaluable.
Online vs. Brick and Mortar
The question is often asked whether a business card can better serve a company that is primarily online or one that is the traditional brick and mortar kind. The answer is BOTH. There is absolutely no business model that cannot be benefitted by this type of marketing tool. Whether your cards contain a URL or a physical address, the results will be the same. Remember, this tool has been in use for centuries. It has survived every major shift in technology and advertising. While other forms of advertising have come and gone, the business card remains. I suppose that is because it is such a personal thing, and after all, successful marketing is about selling yourself as much as your product or company.
So, if you are looking for a way to move your company ahead on a limited budget or if you are simply looking for one more way to get your name out there in the market, you simply cannot afford to ignore this tool. It could change your business.